Our Work 

Our Work

As a testament to our commitment to excellence, this gallery captures the essence of each project we've undertaken, spanning various styles, designs, and inspirations. Immerse yourself in the artistry and craftsmanship that define our creations, from custom woodwork that adds warmth to living spaces to meticulously restored historical treasures that preserve the charm of bygone eras. Each project tells a unique story, brought to life by our skilled artisans and dedicated team. Whether you seek inspiration for your own dream project or appreciate the beauty of expertly crafted works, our work promises an unforgettable visual journey. Step into our world of creativity and witness the passion and precision that make each creation truly extraordinary.

Take an immersive journey through the entire creative process by clicking on the job photos listed below. Delve deep into the behind-the-scenes action with captivating photos and witness the final product in all its glory!

Bourbon Moth Table Review

One of the coffee tables I constructed was reviewed by Bourbon Moth and featured as the highlight of the week on a Patreon livestream. It was a thrilling experience to have my work evaluated by such a reputable woodworking organization.